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    You got some 'splainin' to do, Lucy!

    I haven't blogged in a long, long time. I can't really say why.

    That's not a "can't" in the sense of "it's sensitive information;" rather, it's an honest can't - I do not know. Soon enough, though, the storm is coming. Truth be told, a pair of real storms are coming - Gustav and Hanna. Apparently they mean business.

    Note a third on your forecast: Joseph. Alright, fine... there has to be an "I" storm in the meantime. We'll say Icarus will appear and disappear silently in the far Atlantic. Most important is me. I am a growing storm, my eye is a strong foundation, my spirals reach far and wide. I am tall. I am fast.

    I am coming.


    Christina said...

    Someone call the paramedics - no, seriously! I'm having an odd sensation...it's in my chest...I think it's a heart attack!


    kevin said...

    that would be ike, not icarus.

    and i don't believe this oncoming storm nonsense. you'll have to bring more than just this throwaway post to breathe life into this appropriately named "dinosaur". ;)

    oh, and roll freaking tide!

    Joseph Paul Florence said...

    Sheer heart attacks will abound, Christina.

    (And I hope you caught the reference.)

    As for you, Kevin, my pre-cognitive powers failed in the instance of Ike. But look next in line. Josephine? It's in the stars.

    Coming soon: "The Anatomy of a Sidewalk." What happens to me on a daily basis walking to class, and what it says about the people around me.

    Joseph Paul Florence said...

    Also, yes, Roll freaking Tide! (If we don't capitalize the words "Roll," "Tide," "Alabama," "University," and "Crimson" within the zip code, they detect it and cut off our internet.)

    Humor aside, I am very much pumped for Saturday.

    Christina said...

    Well, you're (seventeen) nineteen and all you wanna do is disappear.

    But please don't disappear.