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    Is this microblogging?

    Funny, I just realized it's going to post my signature if I don't clear it. Can I?  I wonder. Apparently so. You'll notice some freshness about this place. There are still a fee cobwebs in the corners, some light bulbs to be replaced and plenty of WD-40 to be sprayed. Still, maybe your hopes will pay off this time. Maybe mine will, too.

    Recently, I've been contemplating what social media by and large has done, is doing, and will do to our society. More specifically, I've been trying to figure out where I can fit in. That is to say, where I can beat serve myself, what my 21st century digital appearance can do, should do for me. Maybe that sounds hoity-toity, I don't know. If so, consider this.

    If one allows, his or her Twitter feed, his or her Facebook, MySpace, Beebo, LiveJournal, Flickr, blog, YouTube channel, DeviantArt account can become much much more than portals for thoughts, for words, for sights and sounds. In so far as there is anyone you communicate with on a regular basis via the Internet, these things easily pass reflecting you, they begin to comprise you, define you, change more than just your on-line experience, they change your experience altogether, because this new media is that powerful.

    Maybe you'll "stir up trouble" in God's backyard because, "What did he say?" Maybe you'll surprise a friend with knowing something seemingly personal about you and they'll say, "You read my Facebook?" Who knows?

    Stick around. The gears, they are a-creakin'.

    Oh, what the hell...

    -Sent from my iPod-


    Christina said...

    Just to let you know--

    That is to say, where I can beat serve myself,Sorry ;) feel free to delete!

    Christina said...

    PS: I love the new layout! Then again, I'm quite the sucker for green.

    Joseph Paul Florence said...

    Oh, no worries, no deletion warranted, we can chock that one up to the auto-correct on ye olde iPode. I'm glad you approve.. can you figure out the genesis of the color scheme?